Dragonflight back to its old glory – WoW developer doesn’t want to repeat Shadowlands disaster


Shadowlands failed with many World of Warcraft players. Dragonflight, on the other hand, is supposed to return to its roots and convince.

The new expansion Dragonflight was announced by Blizzard for World of Warcraft on Tuesday. Many fans hope that it will not be a disaster like Shadowlands. The developers also want to prevent this, as production director Patrick Dawson reveals in an interview with Dexerto.

The Shadowlands expansion met with a positive response from only a few WoW players. The complex storyline around the Battle of Azeroth and frustrating systems cast a rather negative image on the expansion. It seemed diffuse, complicated and convoluted. Fans were anything but satisfied with the content. However, Patrick Dawson is trying to allay concerns that the same thing could happen with Dragonflight.

In doing so, the development team has listened to feedback from the WoW community and implemented it into the upcoming expansion. “We listened and tried to make the game in the best interest of the players,” Dawson said. Dragonflight was born out of community feedback, and both the setting and the core system are based on the wishes of the players:inside.

Wow fans seem to want to move away from systems like alliances and artifacts. That’s why the developers are trying to get back more to the roots of World of Warcraft with Dragonflight. According to Dawson, players also want to return more to classic Azeroth and away from the irritating and complex system of Shadowlands. They also wanted more dragons.