Warcraft 3 Reforged: Update 1.35 arrives this week, giving fans back a long-awaited feature


The remake of Warcraft 3 disappointed many players at release. Now another missed feature returns

Warcraft 3 is considered one of the best strategy games of all time – also in our GlobalESportNews ranking. A worthy candidate, then, for a remake. But Blizzard”s remake, Warcraft 3: Reforged, fell far short of players” expectations. In our test, it was additionally punished with one of the highest downgrades in GlobalESportNews history, due to technical problems that have since been at least partially ironed out:

After all, the developers have since been making efforts to improve the remake and add missing content. The latest patch sees the return of a particularly popular feature, coming on 19 January, according to the game”s official Twitter account:

This brings update 1.35

The most important innovation of the patch is the new introduction of self-created story campaigns. These were already part of the original, but were previously missing from the remake. They give you the opportunity to create your own stories or to try out the campaigns of other players. The announcement in December was already very well received by fans!

Further changes include the pool of 1v1, 2v2, 4v4 and FFA maps. This will be expanded with additional maps and will also take on updates created by the community. Last but not least, there are numerous bug fixes and balance changes. You can read about how these look in the latest and final test version in the patch notes on page 2.

Are you still excited about the integration of Custom Campaigns or do you think the Warcraft ship has sailed and sunk a long time ago? Let us know what you think in the comments!

Patch Notes

New changes in this build


  • The time factor for resuscitation has been reduced from 0.65 to 0.6.


  • Blademeister mirror images now give XP.


  • Mortar team HP have been reset from 380 to 360.

Night Elves

  • Reduced the duration of Entangle Guardian of the Grove from 9/18/30 to 9/17/25.
  • The initial mana cost of Solitude has been reduced from 35 to 30.


  • Damage limitation for Frost Nova reversed.
  • Reduced the cooldown of Dark Ritual from 25 seconds to 20 seconds.
  • Dark Ritual mana return reduced from 33/66/100 to 30/50/75.


  • Fixed an issue where models and textures would not load properly when switching between different custom maps and graphics.

Previous PTR Changelog


  • The revival cost of the tavern has been increased by 5% at all levels.
  • All altar hero gold costs have been reduced from 425 to 400.
  • The time factor for resurrection has been reduced from 0.65 to 0.6.


  • Sacred light decay time reduced from 5 to 4 seconds.
  • Smithing wood cost reduced from 60 to 50.
  • Forging wood cost reduced from 60 to 40.
  • Farmer HP increased from 230 to 240.
  • Spell Breaker armour increased from 2 to 3.
  • Magic Control requirement changed from T2 to T3.
  • Siphon Mana Drain Rate reduced from 15/30/45 to 15/25/40.
  • Polymorph cost reduced from 220 mana to 200 mana.
  • Range for mechanical critters increased from 350 to 500.
  • Siege Engine now has heavy armour.
  • Siege Engine can now attack units.
  • The basic damage of the dive engine has been reduced from 44 to 22.
  • Changed Victory Engine armour from heavy to medium.
  • Battle vehicle barrage damage increased from 14 to 16.
  • Siege Engine no longer drops in unit level when receiving the Barrage upgrade.
  • Mass teleport cooldown increased from 20 to 30 seconds.
  • Mortar Team HP increased from 360 to 380.
  • Animal Warfare Training no longer has a Castle requirement.
  • The cost of the Staff of Refuge has been reduced from 250 to 200.
  • Orb of Fire damage from +7 to +10.
  • Orb of Fire – Damage reduced from +7 to +5.
  • Cost of Fire Orb reduced from 325 to 250.


  • Headhunter cost increased from 140 to 160 and wood cost increased from 20 to 30.
  • Build time of headhunters increased from 20 to 22 seconds.
  • Mirror images of the Blademaster now deal 10% of the Blademaster”s base damage.
  • Bademaster”s mirror images now cause 25% of the Blademaster”s base damage.
  • Bademeister mirror images now cause 15% of the Blademeister”s base damage.
  • Mirror images now give XP.
  • Troll Batrider Liquid Fire no longer prevents repairs, but now reduces the repair rate by 75%.
  • Bonus to Stamina Aura movement speed reduced from 0.1/0.2/0.3 to 0.1/0.15/0.2.
  • Reduced the activation delay of “Stasis Trap” from 9 to 7 seconds.
  • Witch Doctor Healing Spell increased from 5 to 10 HP.
  • Brute Strength bonus increased from 100 to 150 HP.
  • Brute Strength Bonus increased from 100 to 125 H.
  • Reduced the cooldown of Blast Storm from 180 seconds to 120 seconds.
  • The build time of Great Hall has been reduced from 150 to 135 seconds.
  • The construction time of the Great Hall has been reduced from 150 to 140 seconds.
  • The mana cost of Farseer Feral Spirit has been increased from 75 to 85.
  • The mana cost of Asparagus Chain Light has been reduced from 120 to 110.


  • Increased the cooldown of Dexterity from 60 seconds to 120 seconds.
  • Reduced starfall cooldown from 180 seconds to 120 seconds.
  • Starfall mana cost reduced from 200 to 150 mana.
  • Unit entanglement duration reduced from 9/18/30 to 9/16/24.
  • Unit entanglement duration reduced from 9/18/30 to 9/17/25.
  • Dornaura increased from 0.1/0.2/0.3 to 0.15/0.30/0.45.
  • Mountain giants now start with +2 armour.
  • Damage reduction for Hardened Skin has been reduced from 12 to 8.
  • Ultravision now requires level 2.
  • Immolation Mana Deduction reduced from 7 to 5.
  • Immolation damage per interval increased from 10/15/20 to 15/20/25.
  • Immolation mana drain reduced from 7 to 6.
  • Immolation Damage Interval reduced from 1 to 0.5 seconds.
  • Immolation damage reduced from 10/15/20 to 8/12/180 (16/24/36 DPS).
  • The initial mana cost of Isolation has been reduced from 35 to 30.
  • Talon Crow Form Druid now deals piercing damage.
  • The base damage of the Talon Crow Druid has been reduced from 34 to 26.
  • The mana cost of the Talon Crow Form Druid has been reduced from 50 to 25.
  • Startmana of Druid of the Claw reduced from 125 to 100.


  • Ghoul frenzy now adds 30 HP to the ghouls” base health
  • Anti-Magic Shield can now receive the same damage as Summon Magic inflicted by Banish, Purify and Undo Magic.
  • Reduced Unholy Aura”s movement speed bonus from 0.1/0.175/0.25 to 0.1/0.15/0.2.
  • Animated dead corpses can now be deadly and have a plague cloud when probed.
  • Death Knight”s animated dead corpses are no longer destructible.
  • Disease cloud has been reduced from 90 to 75 seconds.
  • Obsidian Statue: Level increased from 2 to 3.
  • Mind Touch Mana Restoration of Obsidian Statue reduced from 3 to 2.
  • Increased the build time of the Bewitched Gold Mine from 100 to 120 seconds.
  • The build time of Haunted Gold Mine has been increased from 100 to 110 seconds.
  • Light Frost Nova damage reduced from 50/100/150 to 40/80/130.
  • Lich Frost Nova now has a damage cap of 400/800/1200 (8 units).
  • The cooldown of Dark Ritual of the Lich has been increased from 15 to 25 seconds.
  • Reduced the cooldown of Dark Ritual from 25 seconds to 20 seconds.
  • Dark Ritual”s mana return reduced from 33/66/100 to 33/55/80.


  • Staff of Mana increases mana steel from 50 to 75.
  • Circle”s stats have been reduced from +2 on all stats to 1/1/2, but players can click the item to add 1 additional value to each attribute.
  • The Wand of Illusion has been reduced from 3 charges to 2 charges.
  • Staff of Mana increases mana steel from 50 to 65.
  • Reduced movement speed bonus of Legion Doom Horn from 0.075 to 0.05.
  • Urgent Janggo of Endurance Speed Bonus reduced from 0.075 to 0.05.

Bugfixes & Improvements

  • Fixed an issue where models and textures would not load properly when switching between different custom maps and graphics.
  • Added additional zoom levels (1750, 2100, 2250).
  • Fixed an issue where the player would lose vision if zoomed out too far on certain maps.
  • The profiles of other players can now be viewed during gameplay.
  • Fixed an issue where quitting a single player game would send the player to load saved games.
  • Fixed an issue where saving a custom campaign resets the string data.
  • Fixed an issue where the custom campaign loading screen text was misaligned.
  • Fixed an issue where the custom game list names would transition to the ping category.
  • Fixed an issue where the editor would crash when saving a campaign with no map open.
  • Fixed an issue where the world editor would crash when editing the damage/defence table.
  • Removed the character requirement for the report description.
  • Fixed an issue where clan ranks were visually displayed incorrectly.
  • Added notification indicator when receiving a social request.
  • Fixed an issue with rankings not updating.
  • Fixed occasional crashes when loading a map with a high object count.
  • Removed crashes in custom campaigns when reloading the campaign map.
  • Fixed memory space error when trying to start a custom campaign mission.
  • The variable difficulty flag was not respected for custom campaigns.
  • The campaign thumbnail is not displayed in the editor.
  • Player Profile: When viewing another player”s profile, it would occasionally show that they were a member of your clan, even if they were not.
  • Prevented custom campaigns with the same name as the official campaigns from loading to prevent save stomping.
  • Fixed an issue where the client would freeze when switching zones in the Founding of Durotar campaign.