WoW Shadowlands: Content update 9.2.5 is now live


Not long ago we reported on the content drought in the current WoW expansion Shadowlands and how good it was that Blizzard announced the next big addon Dragonflight. But now a last big content update 9.2.5. went live last week and brought a lot of smaller and also bigger updates for the battered WoW player soul. We summarise the most important new features of the extensive patch for you.

Cross-Faction-Play between Alliance and Horde is here

Nobody expected this a few years ago and just a few months after the announcement it’s here. Cross-faction play, which allows Alliance and Horde to raid and dungeon together, is now ready to try out with content update 9.2.5! This means that you can now play the multiplayer content of World of Warcraft together with your friends, even if they do not belong to the same faction as you. This is a welcome change, after all, faction boundaries have been extended more and more in recent years and other MMORPGs such as Final Fantasy and have been doing without them for a long time.

New quests for lore nerds and solo players

Although the new patch does not include a new area or raid, there is some new content. For players of the Blood Elf and Dark Iron Dwarf races, there are very interesting and extensive questlines and with them also special rewards. Not only do they provide an interesting insight into the current situation in Silvermoon and Blackrock, but they also give you the opportunity to revisit the old world of Azeroth and earn cool cosmetic items.

Balancing adjustments in content update 9.2.5 prepare for the launch of Shadowlands Season 4

As with every mid-sized patch, there are also numerous adjustments to the current stauts quo in content update 9.2.5. So pretty much every class can look forward to certain buffs to their abilities and talents. However, a general overhaul can only be expected in the next addon. At the same time, the start of Season 4 is being prepared, in which PvP players in particular will be able to bash their heads in for new titles and rewards. But Mythic+ players can also expect a new exciting challenge with the new seasonal affix, which makes familiar dungeons even more demanding.

Also, as usual at the end of an expansion, well-known raid and raid bosses have been slightly to moderately weakened to make it easier for latecomers to get started. After all, progress is no longer the point. The fun of the game before going to the Dragon Isles is now in the foreground. However, in contrast to what was feared, it will not be boring with these new features.

The exact patch notes for the WoW Shadowlands content update 9.2.5 can also be found on Blizzard’s (official page)