WoW Shadowlands Gold Farm Guide: How to get rich fast

WoW Shadowlands Gold Guide

Gold Farm Guide: All you need to know to get rich fast

In our Gold Farm Guide for WoW Shadowlands we explain how you can create a small fortune of gold in the game.

In World of Warcraft: Shadowlands, the dear gold will once again play a major role: Not only do you need it to buy components for the new legendary items from other players, but you can also use it to purchase many luxury items such as the extremely expensive merchant mounts.

In addition, you can invest your gold in WoW tokens (current price: 164,000 gold), which will add 13 Euros to your account – so you can cover the monthly subscription costs or even collect enough money to buy a game.

Herbs & Ores

One of the best ways to earn money in the auction house at the beginning of a new WoW expansion is to farm crafting resources, because the prices for herbs, ores and leather are traditionally highest at the beginning of a new addon.

Herbology: Currently, the prices for the new Shadowlands herbs on the European servers are still in the range of 90 to 150 gold per piece – the rare herb nightshade is currently available for almost 500 gold over the virtual store counter.

Mining: The prices for ores that can be mined are at a similarly high level – only the rare elethium ore, at around 300 gold per piece, is currently cheaper than its herbal counterpart.


Also furriers can earn themselves a golden nose at present, because the prices for gram leather and the rare heavy gram leather are at present still with 30 and/or 380 gold per piece on a very high level. The Ardenwald forest, where many skinnable wild animals are at play, is particularly suitable as a farm spot.

We have marked two places on the map of the Ardenwald where you can always find enough enemies to farm:

Rare Mounts

If you don’t want to learn any of the farm skills mining, furriery and herbology, you can still earn a lot of gold at the moment – by searching for rare mounts. Some of the lootable mounts you can find on enemies in the previous expansion Battle for Azeroth are still in high demand and will guarantee a successful sale.

However, the drop rate here is very low, ranging from 0.01 to 0.2 percent, so you may have to knock down thousands of enemies to get one of the coveted mounts. So make sure you have a good audio book or an exciting TV series ready in advance!

Frightened Packmuli

The sweet little donkey is currently worth 409,000 gold pieces and can be found in the Drustvar region. Here you have to kill Hexes Falconers, Hex Guards, Hex Soldiers, Hexes Halberdiers and Hexes Crossbowmen to have a chance of a successful drop. The drop chance is 0.01 – 0.03 percent per knocked down opponent.

You can find the enemies at the following location:

Great Sea Rays

Those who prefer to go fishing instead of killing thousands of enemies can go in search of the big sea ray. This rare mount is particularly valuable because it can also be used under water – its price is currently around 207,000 gold.

To catch the ray, you simply have to cast your rod in any open water in Battle for Azeroth – the highest chance of success here is in the Drustvar area with a drop rate of 0.07 percent.

Golden Mane

You can also find the enchanting pony golden mane among enemies in the regions of Battle for Azeroth – more specifically, Sturmsang followers in Sturmsong Valley. The pony is currently worth 202,000 gold pieces, so a successful sale can buy you a month’s worth of game time right away. The drop chance is between 0.07 and 0.1 percent.

On the following map you will find two marked spots where I find many followers of Lord Sturmsang: