WoW Shadowlands Guide: Do powerful damage as an Arcane Mage


These mages manipulate pure arcane magic to destroy enemies with overwhelming power.

The mage is a pure damage class in World of Warcraft. In this guide, we will introduce you to the Arcane specialization. Alternatively, you can use the fire and frost mages.

The most important changes

Your Arcane Intelligence buff no longer supports the party with 10% Intelligence, but only with 5%. As an Arcane Mage, you will once again have access to the abilities Fire Strike and Frost Bolt, and the previous talent Mirror Image will be available as a base ability.

In the Shadowlands, Mirror Image serves only as a defensive cooldown with greatly reduced damage; it reduces the damage received by 20%. The Time Shift ability is back. You can shift back to the starting position on the second activation or after ten seconds with the health at the time of activation.

WoW Shadowlands Arcane Mage
The Arcane projectiles should only be used in the Free Spell state. The mana cost and casting time are too high otherwise.

The Rune of Power talent has been revised. You now gain an additional rune when casting Arcane Power. The passive ability Free Spell now has two charges. Your Luminary mastery no longer only boosts damage from Arcane Strike and Arcane Bombardment, but also other arcane damage you deal. The former Touch of the Magi talent is now a normal ability and generates four Arcane charges. The cooldown on Arcane Power has been increased from 1.5 minutes to two minutes.

How to play the Arcane Mage

Your attribute priority should look like this as an Arcane Mage:

  1. Intelligence
  2. Mastery
  3. Critical Hit Chance
  4. Versatility
  5. Speed

The arcane mage’s gameplay is divided into two phases. In phase one, you spend mana and deal high damage. Start this phase when Arcane Power and Touch of the Magi are available and you have at least 50% mana. Then cast Arcane Orb, Arcane Might, Presence of Mind, Arcane Strike, and Arcane Projectiles (free-spell condition only) in order.

15AmplificationWhen Arcane Projectiles is used in the Free Spell state, the spell fires two additional projectiles.
25ShimmerTeleports 20 meters forward as long as nothing is in the way. Is not affected by the global cooldown and can be used when casting spells. Maximum of two charges.
30Rune of PowerPlace a Rune of Power on the ground for 12 seconds, increasing your spell damage by 40% while within eight meters. Using Arcane Power also creates a Rune of Power at your location.
35ResonanceArcane Bombardment deals 15% more damage per target hit.
40Chrono ShiftArcane Bombardment slows enemies by 50% and increases your movement speed by 50%. Lasts for five seconds.
45Arcane OrbShoots an Arcane Orb forward from your position. Enemies that touch it along the way take 1,298 Arcane damage. Grants you an Arcane Charge when cast and each time it deals damage.
50OverpoweredArcane Power increases damage by 50% and reduces mana cost by 50%.
WoW Shadowlands Arcane Mage
You can use evocation to temporarily increase your mana regeneration and replenish the blue juice.

When you run out of mana, use Evocation. Now you start the second phase, where you save mana until Arcane Power is available again. Here you use Arcane Projectiles if you are in the Free Spell state.

Otherwise, cast Arcane Strike until you have four Arcane Charges, which you then deplete with Arcane Bombardment. Your offensive cooldown Time Bend should be used in the first phase if possible, check with your party.