WoW Shadowlands Guide: How the Feral Druid does real damage

Shadowlands,WoW,Feral Druid,Guide,Talents

Fast like the wind, wildness-druids shred its opponents as cat with sharp claws.

Druids can deal damage with the wildness specialization, among other things. The alternative is the Balance Druid, while Restoration Druids act as healers. Guardian druids serve as tanks.

The most important changes

Wildness druids have access to the abilities Tree Bark, Iron Skin and Hurricane again.The talents Moon Inspiration (level 15), Wild Roar (level 40), and Feral Fury (level 50), as well as the ability Shred have received significant reinforcement.

The cooldown ability Berserker causes Shredding and Claw Slash to deal damage as if you were stealthy.In addition, finishing moves have an increased chance to reimburse two combo points per combo point used.

If you use Shredding while Stealthy or when Berserker is active, the damage is increased by 60%, the critical strike chance is doubled, and you receive an additional combo point. The Sabertooth talent increases the duration of the Shred effect on the target by one second per combo point spent.

Shadowlands,WoW,Feral Druid,Guide,Talents

Heart of the Wild replaces Typhoon at level 35, which is only available via the balance affinity. Incarnation: King of the Jungle now grants all of the effects of Berserker, 20% lower energy costs, and the ability to use Sneak once in combat. Brutal Slashing now hits only five targets.

The level 50 talent Blood Claws has been reworked. If you use three different combo-point-generating abilities within four seconds, the damage from the next two uses of Shred or Feral Bite is increased by 30%.

How to play the cat

Your attribute prioritization should look like this as a wild druid:

  1. Agility
  2. Critical hit chance
  3. Championship
  4. Versatility
  5. Tempo

If possible, start the fight from stealth. Begins with claw strike. Always use Berserker when it is available. Use Tigerfuroror whenever you have 30 or less Energy or Berserker is active. With five combo points, you attack the target with Shred, unless Shred Bleeding is still active on the target.

Level talent description
15 Predator

When a target dies on which one of your Bleed effects was active, Tigerfuror’s cooldown ends. In addition, Tigerfuror lasts five seconds longer.

25 Wild Charge

In cat form, you jump behind an enemy and dazzle them for three seconds.

30 Balance Affinity

Increases the range of all abilities by three meters. You also get the Moonking Shape, Star Suction, Starfire, Sunfire, and Typhoon abilities

35 Heart of the Wild

The damage of your ferocity skills is increased by 30 percent and critical strikes with attacks that generate combo points grant an additional combo point.

40 Soul of the Forest

The finishing moves grant five energy per combo point consumed and cause 5% more damage.

45 Primal Wrath

Finishing move that immediately deals damage and shreds all enemies within eight meters. Lasts longer per combo point and deals more damage.

50 Bloodtalons

If you use three different abilities that generate combo points within four seconds, the damage of the next two uses of Shred or Wild Bite is increased by 30%.

Keep the bleeding from the claw cut on the target running and reapply before expiration. When all bleeding on the target is active, you will reduce combo points with Wild Bite. New combo points are gained with Shredders. You proceed similarly against several enemies, but then replace Mangle with Primal Wrath and also use Hitting.