WoW Shadowlands Guide: How the Survival Hunter provides damage

WoW Shadowlands Survival Hunter Guide

The adaptable trackers use devastating explosive devices and deadly animal poisons for their attacks.

The survival hunter uses traps and poisons against his enemies in World of Warcraft. If you prefer to go into battle with several animal companions, choose the Beast Mastery Hunter. Marksmanship hunters, on the other hand, offer you damage potential with targeted attacks.

The most important changes

The Arcane Shot, Retreat, Eyes of the Beast, Ice Cold Trap, Mark of the Hunter, Lethal Shot, Frighten Beast, and Lulling Shot abilities are now available to all Hunter specializations.

You now have room for up to 200 companions in your stable. Misdirection’s duration now starts after the first attack within 30 seconds of activation and runs for eight seconds. In the Shadowlands, hunters can tame many new animals, including cloud serpents and undead wildlife.

WoW Shadowlands Survival Hunter
The snake venom poisons the opponent and causes damage over time

Your area attacks Dismember and Slaughter now only hit a maximum of five targets. The focus cost of Shredding has been reduced from 30 to 20 focus. Hydrabiss’ DoT damage has been increased by 10%, Slaughter’s damage has been increased by 8%, Steel Trap’s damage has been increased by 80%, and Spearhead’s damage has been increased by 5%.

The cooldown of the talent Flank Attacks has been reduced by ten seconds to 30 seconds. The focus cost of the talent Chakrams has been reduced by 15 to 15 focus. With an additional spell rank, the Barrel Fire Bombs do 25% more damage.

How To play the Survival Hunter

Use Coordinated Attack whenever possible. Use Lethal Shot whenever it is available. Apply Snake Venom to your opponent and keep the effect of it going at all times. Always use Running Firebomb when available.

15Terms of EngagementHarpoon deals 587 physical damage and generates 20 focus over the course of ten seconds. Killing an enemy completes the cooldown of Harpoon.
25Hydra’s BiteSnake Venom fires arrows at two additional enemies near your target, and the ability’s regular damage is increased by 20%.
30Natural MendingFor every 20 Focus spent, the remaining cooldown of Rejoice is reduced by one second.
35BloodseekerKill Command causes the target to bleed and take 489 damage over the course of eight seconds. For each bleeding enemy within twelve meters, the attack speed of you and your companion is increased by 10%
40PosthasteRetreat additionally frees such from all movement restricting effects and increases your movement speed by 50% for four seconds.
45Mongoose BiteA brutal attack that deals 1,277 physical damage and grants you Wrath of Mungo. Wrath of Mungo increases Mungo Bite’s damage by 15% for 14 seconds. This effect stacks up to five times. Subsequent attacks do not increase the effect duration. Requires two-handed melee weapon and replaces Raptor Strike.
50Birds of PreyWhen you use Mungobite or Dismember against your companion’s target, the duration of Coordinated Attack is extended by 1.5 seconds.
WoW Shadowlands Survival Hunter
Mungobite replaces your standard attack Raptor Strike and is increased by the talent Wrath of the Mungo

Use your mung bite to drain excess focus, but always stay above ten focus. Don’t forget the kill command. However, if the ability is available to you very often through procs, it is better to invest focus in Mungobiss. Against multiple targets, always use Dismember when available. Put your focus into Kill Command and Barrel Fire Bomb.