WoW Shadowlands Guide: Maximum DPS with the Devastating Demon Hunter Updated


Maximum Dps Devastating Demon Hunter Updated

The dark masters with their mighty wargleven have made the devil’s magic their own.

The devastating demon hunter is one of the damage distributors in World of Warcraft and also cuts a fine figure in Shadowlands. Alternatively, the Vengeance Demon Hunter is a tank specialization available to you.

The most important changes

Devastation Demon Hunters can now also use the Fire Blight Aura, which generates 20 Fury in six seconds. Your Blade Dance now only hits a maximum of five targets, and it no longer increases dodging chance by 100% for one second. The damage from Chaos Strike and Devil’s Frenzy has been increased. When Eye Ray is finished channelling, you gain 15% speed for twelve seconds.

Blizzard has reworked many talents of specialization. The level 50 talent Nemesis has been replaced with the level 30 talent Devil’s Blast. As a compensation, the damage of Devil’s Bombard is increased, but the ability now only hits a maximum of eight enemies. At level 30, the new talent Glevenorkan is added, which shoots two demonic Gleven, dealing high chaos damage to five nearby enemies over three seconds. The level 30 talent Devil Mastery has been replaced with Unleashed Chaos. The new talent ensures that when Firebrand Aura is activated, your inner demon will smash nearby enemies from Devil’s Frenzy at the end of the next mission, dealing Chaos damage. To play the Devastation Demon Hunter Your attribute prioritization looks like this as a Devastating Demon Hunter:

  1. mobility
  2. versatility
  3. critical hit evaluation
  4. tempo
  5. championship

Basically, you use demon bite to build up temper, which you need for your abilities. The key is to manage your irascibility resource sensibly. All other skills are used according to the following priority: Devil Bombard, Fire Blight Aura, Blade Dance, Devil Blade (if under 80 Irascibleness), Eye Ray, Chaos Blast / Extinguish and Demon Bite.

Level talents Description
15 Felblade Storm towards the target, dealing 674 fire damage. Demon Bite has a chance to complete the cooldown of Devil’s Blade.
25 Burning Hatred Fire blight aura generates an additional 30 irascibles in the course of six seconds.
30 Glaive Tempest Shoots two demonic Gleven in a whirlwind of energy, inflicting 2,550 chaos damage to five nearby enemies in three seconds.
35 Soul Rending Life robbery increased by 5%. Grants an additional 25% life robbery as long as Metamorphosis is active
40 First Blood Reduces the cost of Blade Dance by 20 Fury and increases the ability’s damage against the first target hit to 1,569.
45 Fel Eruption Stake the target, dealing 419 chaos damage and stunning it for four seconds.
50 Fel Barrage Unleashes a stream of devil’s energy within three seconds, inflicting 4,330 chaos damage on up to eight enemies within eight meters.

You will only use your very strong Offensive Cool Down Metamorphosis if you have at least 80 Irascibles to get the most out of it. You should only use Devil’s Fury with caution. Be careful not to get out of your opponent’s range, because you won’t be able to get your full damage potential.