WoW Shadowlands: How people reach level 60 in just 3 hours

Wow Shadowlands Fast Levelling

The “World First” in Shadowlands has reached the new level 60 in only 3 hours. We’ll explain how he did it.

ince midnight on November 24, the gates of Shadowlands have been open, and the servers of World of Warcraft: Shadowlands are still withstanding the onslaught. Millions of players are currently questing, looting, and leveling their way through the new regions, trying to figure out what the villainess Sylvanas Windrunner and the mysterious Dungeon Master are up to.

Well, not everyone is interested in the story, because the first speed levelers had already reached the new maximum level 60 about three hours after the release. In this article, we’ll explain what trick they used to achieve this.

Level 60 in just 3 hours – this is how it works

The player Monkeylool from the European server Al’akir secured the so-called World First with his record time – that is, he was the first player in the world to secure the maximum level in Shadowlands.

Here’s how he did it: Instead of questing through the various areas of Shadowlands, Monkeylool simply completed the non-skippable introduction in the area called “The Maw” and then played through the connecting area called Bastion until he unlocked the dungeon called “The Necrotic Aisle.”

After that, he and two guildmates kept signing up for the dungeon because it can be completed in only 3 to 5 minutes, but it drops a lot of experience points each time.

Actually, only players up to level 56 can sign up for Necrotic Lane, so he and his teammates had to rely on a trick: If a party member is still below level 56, he or she can sign up the party for the dungeon – even if his or her comrades have already exceeded the level limit.

With several players in his guild waiting to reach level 51, Monkeylool was able to sign up for the rewarding dungeon non-stop with a new party, reaching level 60 in record time.