WoW Shadowlands: How to change your Covenant

wow change Covenant

How can you break the Covenant in WoW Shadowlands and return to your original Covenant? Our guide explains it to you.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands introduced the Covenants, probably one of the most interesting features of the last few years: Kryrians, Necrolords, Nachtfae and Venthyr represent their respective home regions and all want you to join them.

However, the decision is anything but simple: do you choose the Covenant that seems the most sympathetic to you? Or will you choose the Covenant that promises the most benefits to your chosen class?

Either way, it’s always possible that you’ll be unhappy with your choice and want to change. However, it’s not that easy, which is why we’ll explain the process step by step in this article.

How to change the Covenant in Shadowlands

Changing the Covenant is very simple: Go to Oribos, the big hub in the middle of Shadowlands. Now run down to the lower level to the area where the former Lich King Bolvar Fordragon is staying – the room where you also chose your Covenant for the first time.

Now talk to one of the representatives of the four Covenants:

  • Kyrians: Polemarch Adrestes
  • Necrolords: Baroness Draka
  • Night Fae: Lady Moonberry
  • Venthyr: General Draven

Now you don’t have to do anything else except confirm your choice and thus leaving your current Covenant twice – you can start your new friends’ Covenant campaign and start increasing your glory level:

How to return to the old Covenant

What is a bit more difficult is to return to your old Covenant – because for this you have to plan at least one week of waiting time.

To do this, talk to the envoy of your original Covenant: since he now considers you a traitor, you must first regain his trust by completing a short series of quests.

The Prove Your Worth quest requires you to fill a progress bar by completing world quests, killing dungeon bosses, finding treasure, or flattening rare enemies in the appropriate area.

After you’ve turned in the quest, you’ll have to wait until the next Weekly Reset (every Wednesday morning) to tackle the final part of the quest series. Once again, you will need to fill a bar with the completion of the above tasks – once you have done this, you will be allowed to rejoin your original Covenant.