WoW Wrath of the Lich King Classic: All info on the re-release of the most popular expansion


With Wrath of the Lich King comes one of the most popular expansions to WoW Classic. But what changes to the original? We have written down all the information we know so far.

You will soon be able to experience one of the most popular World of Warcraft expansions again again. The Wrath of the Lich King addon is scheduled to arrive in WoW Classic before the end of 2022 and will once again take you to Northrend and into battle against Arthas Menethil.

We have summarised all the info on the upcoming Classic expansion for you.

  • Release: When will Wrath of the Lich King Classic be released?
  • Price: How much does Wrath of the Lich King Classic cost?
  • Beta: Is there a beta? How can I participate?
  • Features: What new features are coming with Wrath of the Lich King?
  • Changes: What are the differences between Classic and Vanilla?

When will Wrath of the Lich King Classic be released?

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic is still scheduled for release in 2022. There is no concrete date yet. Our guess is September 2022.

You can get a first glimpse of the story of what you think is the best add-on in the trailer:

How much is Wrath of the Lich King Classic?

To play Wrath of the Lich King Classic, you need an active World of Warcraft subscription – that”s all. With this, the costs amount to 12,99 Euro per month

Is there a beta? How can I take part?

The Wrath of the Lich King Classic Beta has already started on 23 June. To get access you have to sign up on the (official site) and with a bit of luck you will be unlocked for the beta.

What new features are coming with Wrath of the Lich King?

In addition to a new storyline and events surrounding the machinations of Arthas and his minions, you can look forward to the following features:

  • New maximum level: Level 80 
  • New class: Death Knight
  • New profession: Inscription Lore
  • New area: Northrend
  • New instances and raid
  • 10-player and 25-player raids
  • Success System
  • In-game character customization thanks to Barber
  • Quest tracking (whether it will come to release is still uncertain, according to Blizzard the tool is still in development)

If you decide to play a death knight, you will not start at level 1 as usual, but at level 55. In the case of WoW Classic, it will even be available shortly before the start of the new addon, so that you can already play it up to level 70.

Who wants to play a death knight?

If you want to prepare yourself for the upcoming story or only know the famous Lich King by name, we recommend our big story recap. Arthas plays an important role in Warcraft strategy games, which lead to the events of Wrath of the Lich King.

The Complete Story of Warcraft
Part 1: Warcraft 1 – 3
Part 2: World of Warcraft & The Burning Crusade
Part 3: Wrath of the Lich King & Cataclysm
Part 4: Mists of Pandaria & Warlords of Draenor
Part 5: Legion & Battle for Azeroth
Part 6: Shadowlands

What are the differences between Classic and Vanilla?

While Blizzard still lived a strict NoChanges policy at the beginning of WoW Classic, it looks different now with the release of the second Classic addon. In a (Blogpost) the developers explain that these changes compared to the original vanilla version are there to revive the old WoW feeling.

Concretely, the following points will be changed:

  • Wrath of the Lich King launches with patch 3.3.5: This means Death Knights aren”t as over the top as they were strong, like they were back at the beginning of the expansion in 2008.
  • No Dungeon Finder: Blizzard wants to strengthen the social aspects of group finding and therefore does without the Dungeon Finder tool. Instead, Blizzard is working on a new UI for the group search tool. So you don”t necessarily have to resort to the good old chat channel, but you can find each other via the tool. This way you won”t be automatically thrown together, but you”ll still have a pleasant overview.
  • Naxxramas is getting tougher: Those who beat up Kel”Thuzad in a rush back then will need longer this time, because all enemies in Naxxramas get a health and damage buff.
  • Emblems of Honour drop at launch: While the item system changed several times in the course of the previous expansion, a uniform line is now to ensure clear goals. Emblems of honour and emblems of heroism will be available at the launch of the Classic expansion.
  • Personalised arena raiding: PvP team scores are flying out and will be replaced by personal scores.
  • More choices at the Barber: You will also be able to customise your character at the Barber with alterations and hairstyles that only made their way into World of Warcraft after Wrath of the Lich King.
  • There will be new Fresh Start realms: With the launch of Wrath of the Lich King Classic, there will be a number of new servers where you can start fresh and not be influenced by existing players. This should be especially exciting for those who are new to WoW Classic with WotLK.